Chakra Affirmations: Affirmations For Your 7 Chakras

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chakra system


Though we often hear about the chakras, many people aren’t sure what they are or how to best use them in their everyday lives. For those who practice Chakra meditation, Chakra Affirmations are great tools to enhance your meditation practice.

For those who practice Chakra meditation, Chakra Affirmations are great tools to enhance your meditation practice.

Chakra Affirmations are affirmations that are designed to make positive change within your Chakras (energy centers).

Chakra Affirmations are affirmations that help you tune in to your chakras (energy centers), open them up, and become more connected to the life-force energy that flows through you.

They’re great tools that can be used daily to improve your health, reduce stress and bring more positivity into your life.

The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means wheel, as the chakras are seen as spinning wheels of energy within our bodies that can be influenced by how we live our lives.

In Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Eastern religions, the chakras can be used to align our bodies with the universe so that we are in balance with everything around us.

Chakras are the energy centers of your body, located along the central channel of your spine, starting from the tailbone and going all the way up to the crown of your head.

This article provides you with some great Chakra affirmations that can help you balance and heal your chakras, providing you with greater clarity and positivity as well as better physical health.

These affirmations are so easy to learn, so if you’re ready to start healing your chakras today, just keep reading!.

In this article, you’ll learn about what Chakra Affirmations are and how to use them for maximum effect in your Chakra meditation practice.

What are chakra affirmations?

Chakra affirmations are short phrases that you repeat to yourself over and over again throughout the day.

They have the power to change your mindset, alter your mood, and positively affect your body, mind, and spirit.

You can use these affirmations on your own or as part of a larger chakra affirmation routine that includes other chakra-specific practices like yoga poses, candles, mantras, gemstones, and aromatherapy oils.

A chakra affirmation is an affirmation that’s associated with a particular chakra.

There are seven main chakras in our bodies, each with its correspondences, meaning each has its own set of affirmations you can say for it to help better your energy flow.

For example, if you want to improve your overall happiness and balance—think joy—you could recite a happiness affirmation from your sacral chakra (chakras are usually associated with either an element or a body part).

Or, if you’re trying to improve creativity in your life, reciting a creative affirmation from your solar plexus chakra can do wonders for balancing that side of yourself.

Seven Chakra’s are Below:

Seven Chakra’s anatomy

⦁ I fully accept myself the way I am now.
⦁ My heart is strong and my mind is clear when I wake up today.
⦁ In this case, happiness is a state of mind.
⦁ It’s OK to say you’re not happy with something.
⦁ Thank you for getting this far!
⦁ I can say no to others while still praising myself.
⦁ Errors are part of life and help me grow, so I can’t avoid them.

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra, or Muladhara

The chakra root belongs to seven Chakras, it is located at the base of the spine & it is related to our foundation and connection to the earth.

It is associated with our feelings of safety and security in the world, and with our basic needs being met.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel confident and secure and can ground ourselves in the present moment.

Root Chakra Affirmations

chakra affirmations (4)

Few Root Chakra Affirmations are Below:

  • I am safe and secure in the world
  • I’m confident and grounded
  • I trust in Myself.

Follow the link in order to get to know in-depth about this chakra

Top Root Chakra Affirmations to Stay Grounded

Sacral Chakra

sacral chakra anatomy

The chakra sacral is Available at the abdomen Bottom just under the navel.

That is the central point of creativity, pleasure, and sexuality.

The affirmation for the sacral chakra is “I am open to the experience of pleasure.”

When this chakra is in balance, you will feel creative, sexual, and have a strong sense of pleasure in life.

You will be able to let go and enjoy the moment.

When it is out of balance, you may feel blocked creatively, sexually, or feel like you’re not enjoying life as much as you should.

Sacral Chakra Affirmations

chakra affirmations (1)

  • Healing – Health – Vitality – Creativity – Self-image – Communication. Use these chakra affirmations for sacral chakra health, energy balance, healing your immune system, detoxing and expelling toxins from your body, and overactive liver or kidneys.

Follow the link in order to get to know in-depth about this chakra

Top 10 Sacral Chakra Affirmations To Help You Unlock Your True Potential

Chakra Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The third Chakra solar plexus is located inside the stomach area & its association is with the yellow Color.

It is the center of your power and is related to your ability to be confident and in control of your life.

When this chakra is balanced, you will feel self-assured and able to take on challenges. You will also have a good sense of self-worth and be able to stand up for yourself.

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

chakra affirmations (7)

  • I am self-confident, powerful, happy, and in control of my life.
  • I live in a world full of beauty where everything I desire is possible.
  • My voice is strong as I speak my truth.
  • The universe hears me and grants me everything that makes me happy.
  • People see my energy, they want to be around me.
  • My mind is open to new ideas and possibilities
  • I know all things are possible!

Follow the link in order to get to know in-depth about this chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations To Heal Your Inner Self

Heart Chakra

heart chakra (anahata chakra affirmations)

The 4th Chakra of the Chakras Family is the chakra heart.

It is a symbol of love & compassion and joy.

When it’s open, we experience these things in our lives.

When it’s blocked, we may feel angry, resentful, or jealous.

The heart chakra is associated with the colors green and pink.

Green is the color of new beginnings, growth, and healing.

Pink is the color of love and compassion.

Stones that can help to open and balance the heart chakra include rose quartz, green aventurine, and peridot.

Heart Chakra Affirmations

chakra affirmations (5)

There are Few Affirmations of Chakra  Heart:

  • I am falling in loved
  • I love to myself
  • I accept my existence
  • I trust life to provide what is best for me.

Follow the link in order to get to know in-depth about this chakra

The Top 15 Heart Chakra Affirmations to Help You Heal and Grow

Throat Chakra

How can you benefit from using Throat Chakra Affirmations

The throat chakra is the next, it is the 5th Chakra that is found in the throat & is responsible for communication with others.

When this chakra is balanced, we can communicate our ideas and feelings effectively.

We can express ourselves with clarity and confidence.

The throat chakra is also associated with the thyroid gland, which regulates our metabolism.

When this chakra is imbalanced, we may have problems with communication.

We may find it difficult to express ourselves, or we may speak without thinking. We may also have thyroid problems.

If your throat chakra is blocked, you may find it difficult to communicate your thoughts and feelings.

You may also have difficulty expressing yourself creatively and may feel shy or inhibited when it comes to self-expression.

Throat Chakra Affirmations

chakra affirmations (3)

Throat Chakra Affirmations Are Below:

  • I open my heart center and let go of thoughts that don’t serve me.
  • I am confident in my ability
  • I speak my truth.
  • I am heard and understood.
  • I express myself with clarity and confidence.

Follow the link in order to get to know in-depth about this chakra

Top 10 Throat Chakra Affirmations: Throat Chakra Activation In 5 Minutes

Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra Anatomy

The sixth chakra of the Chakras Family is the “third eye chakra”, it is also known as the “Ajna Chakra”, It is a subtle energy system.

It is located on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

This chakra is responsible for intuition, wisdom, and psychic ability.

When it is open and balanced, you will have a strong sense of intuition and be able to trust your gut feelings.

You will also be able to see the big picture and have a deep understanding of complex concepts.

There are many ways to balance the third eye chakra.

Some methods include meditation, yoga, and aromatherapy.

The most important thing is to find what works best for you and to be consistent with your practice.

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

chakra affirmations (2)

Few Affirmations Related to Third Eye Chakra are Below:

  • I can see clearly; I know my best path.
  • The world makes sense today.
  • I trust my intuition completely.
  • My mind is focused on achieving my goals today.
  • I am intuitive and trusting of my intuition.

Follow the link in order to get to know in-depth about this chakra

Affirmations For The Third Eye Chakra To Increase Spiritual Insight

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra anatomy

The Crown Chakra can be found in the upper portion of the head & it is our gateway to the divine.

This chakra is associated with the colors violet or white and is connected to the pituitary gland.

It is responsible for our intuition, connection to spiritual realms, and overall sense of enlightenment.

When the Crown Chakra is balanced and open, we feel a sense of oneness with all that is.

We can trust our intuition, connect with our higher selves, and experience a sense of deep peace and bliss.

Balancing this chakra can be done through meditation, yoga, aromatherapy,

When this is balanced, we should feel a sense of connection to a higher power and a sense of purpose in our lives.

We can see the big picture and understand our place in the world.

When the Crown Chakra is blocked or out of balance, we may feel disconnected from our spiritual side, or a Higher Power.

We may feel lost or without purpose.

We may also have difficulty seeing the big picture, and understanding our place in the world.

Crown Chakra Affirmations

chakra affirmations (6)

Crown Chakra Affirmations Are below:

  • I am beautiful.
  • I’m whole.
  • I am love; I am balanced.
  • I feel good about myself
  • I am whole, complete, secure, and loved.

Follow the link in order to get to know in-depth about this chakra

15+ Positive Crown Chakra Affirmations to Help You Reach Your Goals

Where Do We Start Chakras?

Chakra affirmations are a huge part of chakra healing.

A Chakra affirmation should be said aloud when meditating, either to yourself or out loud if you’re in a room with other people who are also focusing on meditation.

Affirmations can help you focus your energy during meditation, making it easier for you to find inner peace and become more attuned with your body’s energy centers, called chakras.

Some people choose to have their unique affirmation for each chakra, while others use similar words for each but tweak them slightly as they move up their bodies.

This can be done by saying this instead of I or switching up pronouns.

Chakras and their purposes

Chakras are energy centers in the body.

There are seven main chakras, and each one is associated with a different color and purpose.

When these chakras are balanced, we experience optimal health and well-being. i.e.

Points where chakras are located

The first chakra, located at the base of the spine, is the root chakra.

This chakra is associated with security, grounding, and survival.

The second chakra, located in the pelvic area, is the sacral chakra.

This chakra is associated with pleasure, creativity, and sexuality.

The third chakra is located in the solar plexus.

Here is a brief overview of each chakra and its purpose:

⦁ 1st Chakra – grounding, security, survival
⦁ 2nd Chakra – emotions, creativity, sexuality
⦁ 3rd Chakra – power, will, self-esteem
⦁ 4th Chakra – love, compassion, empathy
⦁ 5th Chakra – communication, self-expression
⦁ 6th Chakra – intuition, insight, wisdom
⦁ 7th Chakra – Activate-Devine-Energy

The benefits of Chakra affirmations

Chakra are playing the most important role in our lives.

There are a lot of benefits of Using Chakra Affirmation which can help you at different levels.

A few are below.

  • Chakra affirmations are a form of meditation that can help to improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
  • When the chakras are open and energized, they allow energy to flow freely through the body.
  • When Chakras Open, This can promote physical health and healing, emotional balance and stability, and spiritual growth and awareness.
  • Chakra affirmations help us to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and to release any negative thoughts or feelings that may be causing us harm.
  • When we focus on the affirmations for each Chakra, we can bring about balance and harmony in our lives.

How to use Chakra affirmations

Chakra affirmations are a form of self-hypnosis that can be used to improve your life.

They work by using the power of your subconscious mind to change the way you think and feel about yourself.

When you use chakra affirmations, you are essentially telling your subconscious mind that you are capable of achieving your goals and desires.

Step 1:

The best way to use chakra affirmations is to find a quiet place where you can relax and clear your mind.

Step 2:

Once you are in a relaxed state, recite the affirmations listed below for each chakra.

Step 3:

You should also visualize the chakra in question as you wish.

Sample Chakra affirmations

Chakra affirmations are a great way to restore balance to our Chakras.

By saying these affirmations regularly, we can help our Chakras to function properly and improve our overall health.

The following are some affirmations that can help you open and balance your Chakras.

⦁ I am safe and protected at all times.

⦁ I’m open to new experiences and growth.

⦁ I am confident and secure in who I am.

⦁ I’m willing to change and grow.

Chakra affirmation meditation

Chakra affirmation meditation

Chakra affirmation meditation can help to unblock and heal your chakras.

It is a form of meditation that uses affirmations to work on the chakras.

This type of meditation is best suited for people who are already familiar with meditation and have some experience with it.

Chakra affirmation meditation is a form of meditation that helps to focus on and affirm the health of each chakra.

Chakra affirmation meditation can be done by anyone and does not require any special skills or training.

To do chakra affirmation meditation:

  • Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, in and out through your nose.
  • Then, begin to focus on the first chakra, located at the base of your spine.
  • Affirm to yourself that this chakra is healthy and vibrant and that its energy is flowing freely.
  • Repeat this affirmation for each Chakra.

Chakra affirmation meditation aims to focus on each chakra in turn and repeat an affirmation for it.

This will help to clear any blockages and heal any issues that you may have with that particular chakra.

What are the 7 chakra Mantras?

7 chakra Mantras

The chakra mantras are a set of seven Sanskrit words that correspond to the seven main chakras in the body.

Chanting these mantras can help to open and energize your chakras, and promote healing and balance in your body.

The seven chakra mantras are:
⦁ No.1: I Am …Which is Root Chakra
⦁ No.2: I Feel. … Which is Sacral Chakra
⦁ No.3: I Do. … Belongs to Solar Plexus Chakra
⦁ No.4: I Love. … Known as Heart Chakra
⦁ No.5: I Speak. … Which is Throat Chakra
⦁ No.6: I see. …Known As Third Eye Chakra
⦁ No.7: I understand. Crown Chakra

How do I unblock my chakra energy?

How do I unblock my chakra energy (1)

How do I unblock my chakra energy (2)

Chakra blockages are a common issue that can prevent you from living a full, happy life.

If you’re feeling blocked up or stagnant in your life, it may be time to unblock your chakras.

This can be done through meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, the use of crystals, and other practices that open up the body and allow energy to flow freely.

When your chakras are blocked, you may experience physical or emotional issues.

⦁ For example, a blocked heart chakra can manifest as a lack of love or compassion in your life, while a blocked third eye chakra can lead to problems with your vision

What are the chakra Chants?

The chakra chants are a set of mantras that are used to help open and balance the chakras.

chakra chants are a set of mantras that are used to help open and balance the chakras.

Chanting these mantras can help you to connect with your inner wisdom and intuition, and can also help to clear any blocks that may be preventing you from living a fuller and more balanced life.

The chakra chants are a great way to connect with your spiritual side and can be a helpful tool for anyone who is looking to improve their wellbeing.

Chanting these mantras can help to create a sense of peace and harmony within the body, and can also promote feelings of self-love

Chakra chants are a form of meditation that helps to open and balance the chakras. Chanting helps to focus and connect the mind, body, and spirit. When the chakras are open and balanced, we experience more energy, better health, and a sense of well-being.

There are many different chakra chants that you can use to open and balance your chakras. Each chant is unique and has its benefits. By using a variety of chants, you can open all of your chakras and experience a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Conclusion to Chakra Affirmations

This article talked about chakra affirmations and how they can help to balance your chakras.

By following us, you can learn more about chakra affirmations and how to use them to improve your well-being.


This post discussed the power of chakra affirmations and how saying them aloud can help you to energize and activate your chakras.

Be sure to follow us for more posts about chakras and their importance in your life.

Also, learn