Change Your Life With These 155 Affirmations

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If you want to change your life, keep reading this article because I’ll share with you the most powerful affirmations to change your life and most importantly I’ll tell you how to use and how to create your own affirmations.

For the purpose of this article, it’s important to remind you the 3 characteristics that make a thought extremely powerful and capable of governing our days.

Repetition. Certain negative thoughts take root in our mind because we have repeated them hundreds of times in our life. This means that in order for our positive affirmations to also become effective, we will have to repeat them constantly (more details on this point later).

Credibility. Our negative beliefs affect us because they are… plausible. In other words, we believe it because in the past we have had life experiences that have confirmed certain thoughts. To ensure that our powerful affirmations to change your life also work, we cannot therefore shoot “magic” phrases far into the air, we must build affirmations that are based on real facts, or in any case on experiences from our past in which we have had winning attitudes.

Emotion. Finally, certain negative affirmations work because they are almost always accompanied by equally powerful negative emotions. The same principle must therefore be applied to our positive affirmations: in order for them to work, we cannot repeat them mechanically, but we must recite them trying to leverage emotions that are consistent with what we are repeating to ourselves.

Please, use the following affirmations wisely: take inspiration from these phrases and adapt them to your reality so that you can take advantage of them. Do not select statements that are completely contrary to your current situation. Initially, select no more than 5-7 statements to focus on. At the end of the article, I will provide you with further information on how to best use the following powerful affirmations to change your life (when, how many times, etc.) and how to create your own.

Change Your Life With The Following 155 Affirmations

  1. Everything happens because of me.
  2. The cosmos is looking out for my best interests.
  3. I am attractive, strong, and capable.
  4. I am incredibly adored.
  5. In life, I can have whatever I want.
  6. It is a lovely day to enjoy a lovely day.
  7. Anxiety will always be outshined by love.
  8. I am the architect of my own existence.
  9. I’m being guided and protected by spirit.
  10. I prefer to see things through the eyes of love.
  11. Everything and everyone is full of love.
  12. Pleasure is a decision.
  13. Vitality and resonance are not deceiving.
  14. Anything is possible when I have spirit as my guidance.
  15. I can find whatever I’m looking for within myself.
  16. I’m brimming with vitality.
  17. Happy chooses me, and I choose pleasure.
  18. My body is both fit and beautiful.
  19. I am more than capable.
  20. I have all of the necessary tools and abilities to succeed in anything I set my mind to.
  21. I can’t be stopped.
  22. I have the freedom to be and do whatever I want.
  23. Any challenges I face inspire me to study and progress.
  24. Every day, I grow closer to realizing my ambitions and dreams.
  25. I have the ability to accomplish everything I choose.
  26. I complete what I set out to do and earmarked just let go of whatever that does not serve me.
  27. I’ve overcome barriers before, and I’m confident that anything stands in my way will be overcome as well.
  28. Not everything will be simple, but I will continue because my goals and ambitions are important to me.
  29. The most difficult part of any adventure is taking baby steps, and I shall do so today.
  30. I’m feeling calm and collected.
  31. I am stress-free and relaxed.
  32. I get to choose how I respond to things, and I get to pick how I respond from a peaceful place.
  33. I’ve faced and conquered difficult situations in life, and I’m confident that I can do so again.
  34. I am prepared to deal calmly with tough situations.
  35. There are some elements I can’t change or control, and that’s fine.
  36. Tension departs my body when I exhale.
  37. I’m qualified to cope with whatever that comes my way.
  38. Both my heart and soul are at ease.
  39. Everything is done one step by step for me.
  40. I’m surrounded with abundance.
  41. I am deserving of receiving.
  42. I am deserving of economic success in all ways.
  43. My life is brimming with possibilities.
  44. I am a vortex that draws an unending supply of wealth.
  45. I’m on my path to becoming financially independent.
  46. Everywhere I look, I see plenty.
  47. I’m enjoying a life that’s abundant in every way.
  48. I have an inexhaustible supply of understanding and ability to make them a reality.
  49. I have a lot of money and it comes to me easily.
  50. I have no trouble staying focused on my objectives.
  51. I keep focused on my objectives and achieve the results I desire.
  52. My thoughts are clear and focused.
  53. I reduce distractions and naturally enter the flow state.
  54. At all times, I am awake, attentive, and focused.
  55. At all times, I stay attentive and in the moment.
  56. I get to choose what I pay attention to.
  57. My concentration is razor-sharp, constant, and unyielding.
  58. I have the concentration I require to complete my tasks.
  59. Nothing can stand in my way or deter me from achieving my objectives.
  60. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to live.
  61. I am thankful for everything that has come my way.
  62. I am blessed to have a large number of people who care about me.
  63. Today and every day, I am grateful for the nourishment and drinkable water I have.
  64. I am appreciative for all of the amazing things that have occurred in my life so far, and I anticipate many more.
  65. There are even more reasons to be grateful every day.
  66. Today is a new day with fresh possibilities, more prosperity, and more reasons to be grateful.
  67. I am appreciative to everyone that has assisted me in achieving my goals.
  68. I am glad for what I have and what I will have in the future.
  69. I am pleased for my lovely, great, and full existence.
  70. I’m giving it my all.
  71. Today, I want to become joyful and love myself.
  72. My options are limitless.
  73. I am deserving. I am daring, fearless, and stunning.
  74. Today is going to be fantastic.
  75. I am a gifted and clever individual.
  76. I’m a one-of-a-kind individual.
  77. I am capable of doing so, and I intend to do so.
  78. I am pleased with myself and my accomplishments.
  79. I am the person I desire to be.
  80. I am stunning.
  81. I am one of a kind.
  82. I am a formidable opponent.
  83. I exude self-assurance.
  84. I adore myself and my physical appearance.
  85. I am pleased with myself.
  86. Every day, I get more self-assurance.
  87. I have faith in myself.
  88. I’m not going to stress over things I can’t change.
  89. Today, I will do the same for myself and others.
  90. I’m adored.
  91. I am deserving of love and admiration.
  92. Today is going to be a good day.
  93. I’m going to devote some time to loving and caring for myself.
  94. I’ve been effective.
  95. I am worry-free and regret-free.
  96. My emotions become a part of my everyday life.
  97. I’m proud of myself.
  98. I am thankful for what I have.
  99. I am brimming with promise.
  100. I have the ability to alter my life and circumstances.
  101. More than my bad thoughts make up who I am.
  102. I am in good health and am content with my life.
  103. Happiness is a great addition to my life.
  104. I already have all I require.
  105. For myself, I always make the greatest choices.
  106. I am more than sufficient.
  107. I was able to let go of my anxieties and tension.
  108. I have a lot of ambition.
  109. I am grateful for everything I have and am.
  110. I accept myself completely and completely.
  111. I am the designer of my life; I build the groundwork and select the elements.
  112. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  113. I’m bursting at the seams with enthusiasm and pleasure.
  114. I’m brave and I speak up for myself.
  115. I am a force to be reckoned with.
  116. I have the ability to effect change.
  117. I am adequate, I am cherished, and I am brave.
  118. I choose to be content, and I am confident that I am on the correct course.
  119. I treat myself with the respect and care that I merit.
  120. In this moment, I am filled with excitement and pleasure.
  121. I awoke with a sense of joy and excitement.
  122. Others are inspired to be happy by my pleasure.
  123. I adore my mate just as he or she is.
  124. In my interaction with my partner, I am completely myself and completely authentic.
  125. I explain my needs and desires to my spouse in a clear and coherent manner.
  126. In every part of my life, I expect to succeed.
  127. I swiftly identify and solve problems, then move on.
  128. Anxiety, in my opinion, is the engine for accomplishment.
  129. I am intelligent, powerful, self-assured, and competent.
  130. Every day, I am growing more productive.
  131. I learn from my errors and am a better person as a result of them.
  132. I enjoy meeting new people and do so with confidence.
  133. I have a self-assured demeanour.
  134. I am self-sufficient.
  135. I live in the moment, yet I am optimistic about the future.
  136. I am attracted to pleasant situations and individuals.
  137. I feed off of self-assurance.
  138. I see the positive in everyone and everything.
  139. I like and respect myself.
  140. I am honest, dependable, and follow through on my promises.
  141. I have faith in my spiritual nature to lead me.
  142. I am pleased with myself.
  143. Every day, my personality, conviction, and personal philosophy grow. 
  144. I adore working out my body.
  145. I eliminate tension from my chest with each breath.
  146. I eat well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, and take deep breaths.
  147. I pay attention to what my body requires in order to stay healthy, powerful, and whole.
  148. I have a good night’s sleep.
  149. I work in a calm and peaceful setting.
  150. I’m completely focused and committed to the job at hand.
  151. With each deep inhale, I am filled with peace.
  152. Feeling happy and peaceful energizes me.
  153. I let go of the past and focus on the present.
  154. I’m pleased for this opportunity, and I can see how happy it makes me.
  155. I’m an amazing person.

this image is related to the article about affirmations for changing your life

1. Identify Your Priorities

The following guidelines work for any affirmations you might want to go for. First of all, what are the areas of your life where you really feel the need to make a change? Would you like to feel more powerful? Or maybe in the future you might want to change other aspects of your life… like for example, do you feel you need to improve your relationship with your partner? Do you want to take care of your health? Try to focus your personalized positive affirmations on a specific area of ​​your life that you would like to improve.

2. Excitement

As seen, the statements are most effective when accompanied by a strong emotional drive. Therefore, carefully evaluate the choice of words and expressions, preferring those that may have the highest emotional impact for you. Amongst the powerful affirmations to change your life I shared with you above, I’m sure you can find some affirmations that match with your current emotional state.

3. Be Consistent and Realistic

It is important that your statements align with your personal values. If respect and honesty are essential for you, it is useless to repeat to you “I am a salesperson willing to do anything to achieve my financial goals”. Second, it is important that your statements are realistic and translatable into concrete action. If the statements are too vague or too far from your reality, you will run the risk of not believing in them yourself. For example, “I feel healthy” may be too general a statement for you. You could make it more specific by turning it into: “I feel in a great mood and full of energy”; “My body is strong, ‘flexible and resistant’; “I run every morning and this gives me energy”; “I feed with balance” and so on.

4. Transform Negative Into Positive

Unfortunately our internal dialogue is often negative. But these negative thoughts and beliefs can be a great way to spot our personalized positive affirmations. In fact, you can start from these intrusive and disempowering thoughts and transform them into their positive version. “You’re the usual indecisive” can become: “I choose carefully and make good decisions”. or “I decide with timing for my life”.

5. Present

Our mind is not designed for the future. Always write your powerful affirmations to change your life in the present tense, as if everything is already happening. This is essential for your mind to believe, on an unconscious level, in the statement and “settle” on that new parameter. If you write instead: “I will make very good decisions”. Your mind will always postpone your transformation to an unspecified future. Now let’s see how to use your personalized positive affirmations in an effective way… 


Choose a specific time to repeat your statements. The ideal is in the morning, upon awakening, so as to start the day on the right foot.


Repeat your powerful affirmations to change your life aloud and if possible create a vision board that reminds you of them throughout the day.

How Many?

As explained in the article, focus on a maximum of 5-7 positive affirmations.

How Many Times?

Repeat them for at least 5-10 minutes every day, but not more than a quarter of an hour (it wouldn’t help). If you wish, you can repeat the exercise at different times of the day, but no more than three times in a day (for example, you can repeat them in the morning when you wake up, at noon and in the evening before bed).

Good. Now that you know the most powerful affirmations to change your life and you have all the tools to best create your own personal affirmations, all you have to do is re-read, write them, use them and achieve all your goals!

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