Biblical Affirmations To Decree Over Your Life

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Biblical affirmations appeal to the mind, soul, and body. They help ground our faith and restore our hope in the mercy of the Lord.

Life is filled with varying experiences and challenges. This could leave our souls feeling weary and worn out.

There are lots of life stressors that can throw us off balance when we least expect it.

This could be in the form of unresolved trauma, getting laid off from work, a crashing business, divorce, or a sick child. In these moments of despair, biblical affirmations will be your support and anchor.

biblical affirmations will be your support and anchor

Whether battling anxiety, fear, confidence issues, or money, you are decreeing biblical affirmations over your life that will help you stay calm.

Biblical Affirmations For Anxiety 

Many moments in life have us trying to predict how the next phase will come out.

Your worries may be grades, scholarships, or grants as a student.

Business owners worry about making sales.

Biblical Affirmations For Anxiety 

Parents worry about their children’s safety and security. The anxiety does not help manage the problem, and constant worrying is energy-sapping.

The positive biblical affirmations below will help you stay calm amidst your raging thoughts.

  1. God’s love for me is pure and kind
  2. I release my deepest fears to God
  3. My worries are being turned into joy.
  4. God will provide for my family and me.
  5. I worship the giver of all things and shall not lack.

Biblical Affirmations For Self Esteem

To go through life, we all need a healthy dose of self-esteem.

Biblical Affirmations For Self Esteem

If you do not respect yourself, you will rush into situations and locations that will be detrimental to your health.

Your perception of the world around you will be tainted.

Biblical affirmations are the easiest way to raise your belief in your value.

Try out the following:

  1. I am God’s beloved.
  2. I am destined to reach great heights.
  3. The Lord is crowning my efforts.
  4. Man’s perception of me does not define me.
  5. The Grace of the Lord follows me.

Biblical Affirmations For Strength

Life may knock you down multiple times, but you must keep going.

To achieve any big feat in life, you have to be resilient.

As Christians, there is no better place to rest our hope than with the Lord.

Saying affirmations that speak strength into your being will help you weather any storm you face in life.

Positive biblical affirmations for strength

  1. The Lord is my strength and Shepard.
  2. My faith will help me sail through this.
  3. My soul is empowered by the words of the Lord.
  4. My life Is a testament to God’s love and grace.
  5. All I strive for is the Kingdom of God.

Biblical Affirmations For Success

Success goes beyond the effort we put into the things we achieve.

It is essential to work hard but also to know that the Lord’s grace makes anything possible.

Faith without works is dead, yet work without trust is also dead.

Biblical Affirmations For Success

These biblical affirmations for success will help you summon the grace of the Lord into your life.

You are making it possible for you to achieve anything you desire.

  1. The work of my hands is blessed.
  2. I was made for success and prosperity.
  3. My soul listens to the guidance of the spirit.
  4. I shall inherit all that is meant for me.
  5. My success is guaranteed in the Lord’s name.

Biblical Affirmations For Confidence

Confidence is a feeling of certainty in oneself and the outcome of things.


It’s like a form of optimism with a bit of trust.

It is usual for one’s confidence levels to dwindle when a series of tragic events occur in succession.

The goal should be to restore that confidence in God.

  1. I am made in God’s image.
  2. I am shrouded in God’s honor and glory.
  3. No block can stop me.
  4. I am under the umbrella of God’s protection.
  5. I serve a mighty Lord with whom nothing is impossible

Biblical Affirmations For Prosperity

There are lots of prosperous people in the bible, and when you crave this blessing, you should do the work of emulating their ways.

Prosperity is more significant than success.

It is a form of success that runs over time, not short-term or fixed.

As you work hard to build wealth, do not forget to invite God into your affairs.

Recite the following biblical affirmations for prosperity to gain the grace and blessing of God.

  • My blessings are eternal.
  • I embrace the abundance of the Lord’s bounties.
  • I am a unique child of the Lord.
  • I am free from the shackles of who I used to be.
  • God has prepared goodness in store for me.

Biblical Affirmations For Husbands

The things you desire from a partner and a marital home are valid.

In the reality of our world today, it may seem like these things are extraordinary when they are not.

Christian women should rest their hopes in God and say biblical affirmations for husbands below. The things you desire will eventually manifest before you.

  1. My home and marriage revolve around God.
  2. The spirit holds my husband and me in leading our family.
  3. My home is Godly and blessed.
  4. Our marriage is guided by the spirit.
  5. My husband loves me as Christ loved the church.

Biblical Affirmations For Faith

We work hard for our tomorrow not because we are guaranteed it but because we believe and have faith in God to let us live till then. This is the nature of our world.

Most of the things we do are done out of sheer faith.

When this faith becomes weak or dies, life’s trajectory is altered.

Are you suffering from a low or weak faith?

Spring out of that state with these beautiful biblical affirmations for faith:

  1. I walk in the shadow of the Lord’s glory.
  2. The only person who would never leave me is God. I call on him, and he responds.
  3. The Lord is my source of peace and comfort.
  4. I live for the goodness of God’s loving-kindness
  5. My life is unfolding how God wants it to.

Positive Biblical Affirmations 

Negativity attracts negative energy and occurrences.

In a state of positivity, the mind is ready to receive inspiration from the Lord and act upon it.

The world is filled with negative news, events, and people.

It can be hard not to get affected by the information or the energy it is attached to.

Positive biblical affirmations will help your mind remain positive so you can navigate life effortlessly. Here are a few:

  1. I am the child of the greatest King.
  2. God’s consciousness lives in me.
  3. The Lord hears my every call.
  4. My help is from the Divine.
  5. His healing power heals all parts of me.

Morning Biblical Affirmations 

Biblical affirmations can be said anytime, but saying them puts your mind and soul in the state you desire.

Saying affirmations in the morning can be exceptionally powerful. It sets the stage for how the rest of the day unfolds.


It could save you from one adverse event that could affect the rest of your day.

Say biblical affirmations as much as you can but make mornings routine times.

  1. I am alive for a purpose.
  2. I am thankful for the peace in my life.
  3. I am happy and grateful to have this gift of life.
  4. I listen to the voice of God.
  5. I live in a state of gratitude.

Biblical Financial Affirmations 

Wealth, money, and abundance are treasures of the Lord that he bestows on who he desires.

Money is an excellent asset to Christian, their family, and the kingdom of God.

One should seek it legitimately and be mindful of the Lord in all dealings. When you have done your part, open your arms to God’s favor and let him complete his promise in your life.

Biblical financial affirmations help you attract the goodness of wealth and all that is attached. Work for wealth, say these affirmations, and wait patiently for what you desire.

  1. I can create wealth
  2. I was made for wealth and abundance.
  3. I embrace the very best of this world.
  4. God has blessed me beyond measure.
  5. I am open to divine financial breakthroughs


Affirmations are not mere words; they contain power.

Biblical affirmations are affirmations coined from the Holy Bible.

These affirmations should be recited with conviction and hope that God intervenes in one’s life.

Many life situations try to heap despair on us, but the children of God’s kingdom need not back out from the fight to get what they need.

There are many inspirational Bible verses that affirmations can be coined.

Find chapters and verses that inspire you and create your affirmations from there.

In the meantime, use the examples provided here, work hard and affirm the goodness in your life with faith and conviction.