196 Spiritual Affirmations For All Aspects Of Your Life

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Life can be challenging and exhausting at some points, thereby draining us from our spiritual realm, unclogging us into negativity, and leading us away into harmful situations. To avoid this from happening, this is why spiritual affirmations are important in our life.

What Does Spiritual Affirmation Mean?

Unlike a regular declaration, Spiritual affirmation helps set your mindset in the right situation to achieve what you desire with spiritual support.

Spiritual affirmations helps set your mindset & mindset is everything

With spiritual affirmation, you acknowledge that you’re not alone but aided by the universe to do and achieve anything you want, which is great and very effective.

How Do Affirmations Work Spiritually?

Spiritual affirmations are more than mere declarations said to ourselves.

Instead, these affirmations’ repetitions go into our subconscious minds and begin to grow, alleviating any form of negativity and improving us through our daily lives.

repetitions go into our subconscious minds, alleviate negativity and improving us

Our minds are wired to think negatively often, whether we want to or not, and this happens to everyone.

But, with these negative thoughts calling on our minds, it spikes when it’s allowed to grow and affect every aspect of our life.

You would have heard the usual saying that the mind is powerful. That is true, and this is where affirmations come in.

The mind is powerful. That is true, and this is where affirmations come in.

Spiritual affirmations are like speaking into our mind, and due to this, our mind puts more concentration on those declarations we’ve made.

Spiritual affirmations can also be likened to seeds we plant in our subconscious minds and allow us to grow.

However, sacredly, in spiritual terms, our affirmations connect us to our source and spirituality.

It makes us feel divine, believing and seeing the universe working for our good.

Are Positive Affirmations Spiritual?

Positive affirmations are spiritual, either intellectually or sacredly. That is, they relate to and affect our human spirit or soul.

Manifestation of our affirmations emanates from our soul, not our body.

We might not know, but when we declare affirmations to ourselves, our mind takes them in and begins to process them.

when we declare affirmations to ourselves, our mind takes them in and begins to process them.

Subconsciously, what we’d declared started to reflect in our daily lives.

Either you declare you love yourself and you’re always happy, or you declare you’re selfless and courageous, and you begin to see yourself being that way. So, yes, Positive affirmations are spiritual.

However, there are things positive affirmations are not.

Positive affirmations are not magical wishes but practical.

Dictionary meaning explains affirmation as a declaration that something is true.

It means whatever you affirm, you have to see it as practical and work towards it because, with the effect of the affirmations, it becomes easier to achieve what you declare.

You shouldn’t see affirmation as magic.

Even though it’ll begin to grow in your subconscious mind, you’ll need to align with it. However, it becomes easier to align with as a result of your affirmations.

5 Good Affirmations You Can Begin With While Starting Out

Are you just starting with affirmations?

Below are five good affirmations you can start with daily.

They’re a combination of Gratitude, Self-Love, Motivational, Positive, and Spiritual affirmations. They are;

  1. I am grateful.
  2. I love me.
  3. Today, I woke up strong and motivated.
  4. Today is a great day.
  5. The universe is working out for my good.

Now, let’s get down to the spiritual affirmations you need for all aspects of your life at various points.

It’s logical when you don’t feel some affirmations aligning with you while declaring them. This can just mean such is not what you need at the point of you declaring it, but something else.

An example is when you need healing but declare affirmations for weight loss. This wouldn’t resonate with your mind at such a moment because that’s not what it needs.

So, with the affirmations listed below, pick the ones that resonate with you the most and write them out. Then, declare them to yourself daily for at least 21 days and watch how it begins to manifest in you.

Let’s start the list of these affirmations with spiritual affirmations for anxiety.

Spiritual Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am fearless.
  2. Only good will come out of this situation. I am fine.
  3. I forgive myself, and I am at peace.
  4. I set myself free and trust the process of life.
  5. I am loved and deserve all that is good.
  6. It is just a thought, not reality.
  7. The past is gone, so I focus on the present.
  8. All is well with me.
  9. I welcome relief into my life.
  10. I believe in myself and my intuitions.
  11. I am protected by a higher power.
  12. I have anxious thoughts, but I also have the ability to challenge and change them.
  13. I have the confidence to do what I want.
  14. I find peace in difficult times.
  15. I have nothing to worry about.
  16. I connect with my inner peace.
  17. I speak kind words to myself, and I am relieved.
  18. I am not destroyed or abandoned.
  19. I forgive everyone who has wronged me in my past.
  20. I am living in God’s love.
  21. The universe brings me peace.
  22. I am relieved.
  23. I am comforted by God.

Spiritual Affirmations from The Bible and the Bible verses

  1. God comforts me in all my troubles. (2 Corinthians 1:4)
  2. God will care for me, save me and be with me throughout my lifetime. (Isaiah 46:4)
  3. I do not worry about anything. I experience God’s peace, and it guards my heart and mind. (Philippians 4:6-7)\
  4. I am wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
  5. I will sleep in peace. I am safe. (Psalm 4:8)
  6. My help comes from the Lord. I will not stumble (Psalm 121:1-3)
  7. I will not die but live. (Psalm 118:17)
  8. When I call, the Lord answers me. (Jeremiah 33:3)
  9. When I ask, I will be given. (Psalm 7:7)
  10. God answers me and makes me strong. (Psalm 138:3)
  11. I am free and forgiven. (Ephesians 1:7)
  12. Even when I am weak, I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:10)
  13. I will not be disgraced nor put to shame. (Isaiah 54:4)
  14. I have everything because I seek the kingdom of God and live righteously. (Mattew 6:33)
  15. All things work together for my good. (Romans 8:28)
  16. My life is a future filled with God’s plan. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  17. The Lord restores my soul and leads me on a path of righteousness. (Psalm 23:3)
  18. God give me rest (Mattew 11:28
  19. I can’t be condemned. (Romans 8:1)
  20. God will supply all my needs. (Philippians 4:19)

Spiritual Affirmations for Healing

  1. I radiate healing.
  2. The light in me shines brighter always.
  3. I chose to live only love and joy.
  4. I am divine.
  5. I soar higher.
  6. I have the ability to heal from the inside.
  7. With every step I take, healing happens to me.
  8. I give myself enough time to heal from within.
  9. I will not practice self-hatred.
  10. I chose to forgive myself and be free.
  11. I am healed and okay.
  12. I accept my pain, knowing it will heal soon.
  13. I invite love and happiness into my life.
  14. Asking for help is okay, so I ask for help, and I am helped.
  15. I make peace with myself and radiate joy, love, and happiness to those around me.
  16. I let go of my past, and I focus on my present.
  17. My healing is permanent.
  18. I am healed by the supreme power.
  19. Today, no person, thing, or place can annoy me.
  20. I affirm that I am whole and healed from the inside.

Spiritual Affirmations for Weight Loss

  1. I am beautifully and wonderfully made.
  2. I love the feeling I get after every exercise.
  3. I don’t compare myself with others who have already achieved their weight loss goals. I am on the journey and in the process.
  4. I chose to eat healthy and nutritious food.
  5. I don’t engage in stress eating.
  6. Every day, I am a step closer to my goal.
  7. I love who I am.
  8. I choose to lose weight because I want it.
  9. I have all it takes to reach my goal.
  10. I acknowledge losing weight takes time, and I will be patient through the process.
  11. I am kind and consistent in my weight loss journey.
  12. Every time, I turn down the temptation to eat unhealthily.
  13. I make good choices to prioritize my physical and mental health.
  14. I enjoy my weight loss journey.
  15. I don’t aim for perfection but for a new healthy me.
  16. Everything I eat strengthens my body and mind.
  17. Every choice of my food adds up to my weight loss goals.
  18. I can lose weight, and I will.
  19. I believe in myself and choose to be healthy.
  20. Every day, I get stronger and closer to my goals.
  21. It is okay to say no to temptations.
  22. I am losing weight, and it is working.
  23. I am not in my past but in my present, preparing for a better future with my routine.
  24. I appreciate my ability to manage my weight.

Spiritual Affirmation for Prosperity

  1. I am ready to see things differently and work on my top priorities.
  2. I focus on prosperity and thereby attract it to me.
  3. I believe that I can easily attract prosperity.
  4. I flourish financially.
  5. I am rich and prosperous.
  6. Money flows freely into my life.
  7. I attract love, prosperity, and success.
  8. Good things come to me easily as I open to the abundance of the universe.
  9. I attract every good thing around me.
  10. I accept help from people.
  11. Paying myself first is fun and worthwhile.
  12. I radiate wisdom, knowledge, and wealth.
  13. I create million-dollar ideas.
  14. I am peaceful, energized, and open to the abundance the universe has to offer.
  15. I prosper in all things I do.
  16. It becomes easier for me to be prosperous and wealthy.
  17. Good things flow to me easily.
  18. I am creative and talented.
  19. I enjoy being paid well for my work.
  20. I happily invest in myself constantly.
  21. I am valuable.
  22. I attract profitable ideas.
  23. I am prepared to share my gift with the world.

Spiritual Affirmations for Confidence

  1. I am confident and proactive.
  2. I am filled with peace and love.
  3. I forgive myself and embrace my potential.
  4. I am good enough and worthy.
  5. I can do anything I put my mind to.
  6. I embrace my inner peace.
  7. Every day, my self-confidence soars higher.
  8. I am enough.
  9. I am safe and loved.
  10. I learn and grow every day.
  11. I am a magnet of love, peace, and light.
  12. I am loved and wanted,
  13. I am divinely created.
  14. Confidence comes to me with ease.
  15. I attract great people into my life.
  16. I feel at peace with who I am.

Spiritual Affirmations for Success

  1. I attract success easily.
  2. I am successful and prosperous.
  3. I trust the process because I know God will never fail me.
  4. I become successful in all my endeavors.
  5. I am a child of The Supreme who never fails. Thereby, failure is not my thing.
  6. I don’t give up when it gets hard. I continue and succeed.
  7. I am surrounded by wealth, success, and prosperity.
  8. I am at peace with myself because I trust myself.
  9. I succeed in all things I do.
  10. I am strong, and divine success is always mine.

Spiritual Affirmations for Strength

  1. I am fierce and strong.
  2. I connect with my inner divinity.
  3. I am energetic and full of joy.
  4. I am not afraid to fail or start over.
  5. I have nothing to fear.
  6. I am loved, and I deserve it.
  7. Strength comes to me with ease.
  8. Every day, my strength soars higher.
  9. I am a divine creation.
  10. I am capable and powerful.

Morning Spiritual Affirmations

  1. I am grateful for witnessing this morning.
  2. I wake up strong and motivated.
  3. Today is a good day.
  4. I am divinely helped today.
  5. The universe works for my good.

African Spiritual Affirmations

  1. I step into my power.
  2. Success is mine.
  3. I deserve good things.
  4. I am beautiful.
  5. I am strong.

2022 Spiritual Affirmations

  1. I am enough.
  2. 2022 is the year of my prosperity and success.
  3. I walk through the year with positivity.
  4. I am optimistic about everything that’s to come.
  5. I manifest love, joy, happiness, success, and growth this year.

Daily Spiritual Affirmations

  1. I am loved
  2. I deserve everything good.
  3. I allow productive thoughts into my heart.
  4. I emanate love and peace.
  5. I am divinely guided.

Spiritual Self-Love Affirmations

  1. I am divinely made.
  2. I love myself and my body.
  3. I choose me every time.
  4. I deserve to be loved and cared for.
  5. I don’t apologize for being myself.

Spiritual Awakening Affirmations

  1. I am guided by divine power.
  2. I honor my spiritual connection.
  3. I have inner peace and follow my inner guidance.
  4. I am connected with my inner divinity.
  5. I am receptive to the universe’s blessings.

Spiritual Business Affirmations

  1. My business thrives and extends globally.
  2. I breathe in confidence in my business.
  3. I am smart and successful.
  4. My business is divinely helped.
  5. My business provides solutions to people’s problems and is highly rewarded for that.

Spiritual Protection Affirmations

  1. I am divinely protected.
  2. I am cared for by higher power.
  3. The Supreme surrounds me with a barrier of peace.
  4. I am safe and secured with God.
  5. I choose peace over fear.

Spiritual Abundance Affirmations

  1. I am divinely helped.
  2. I focus on love and gratitude.
  3. The universe brings me peace and abundance.
  4. I am spiritually guided.
  5. I am loved and blessed.

I AM Affirmations: Spiritual Abundance, Prosperity & Success | Solfeggio 852 & 963 Hz | Alpha Beats

I Am Spiritual Affirmations for Kids (Bible-Based) – Repeat Daily!!


There is a saying that we are what we think, and that’s true.

With positive spiritual affirmations registered in your subconscious mind, you’re prone to start thinking positively about yourself, which begins to reflect on you physically.

Positive affirmations help change our mindset from a scarcity to an abundance mindset. And this helps us to begin achieving success in our daily life, business, career, and every other aspect of our life.

However, it’s not enough when you just declare the affirmations, make sure you’re always working towards them.

Also, learn