How To Manifest Money When You Are Broke (in 21 Days)

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Welcome to the Money Manifestation Challenge for 21 Days. The goal of this article is to teach you how to manifest money when you are broke and assist you in generating additional cash flow during the following twenty-one days. And, to be clear, I’m not only talking about having an abundant mind-set. Don’t misunderstand me. Your mind-set is critical, but my ultimate aim for you is to have cash in your hands or in the bank within 21 days. So, whether you’re reading this on day one, day three, or day seven, welcome. There are two things you should do right away to get the most of this 21-day challenge. To get the most out of this article, read it every morning for 21 days and repeat the affirmations back to yourself. I’ll get to those shortly.

Write down or print the affirmations and read them several times throughout the day for a greater impact. That is not a significant commitment. It just takes 21 days, and the results are worth a shot. This is something you can do. And I’m confident you can. This is extremely important on a daily basis.

I’d appreciate you if you could tell me the boundaries of huge things like work promotions and new freelancing gigs to minor things like finding $10 in an old pair of jeans or finding a quarter of dollar on the ground. It all underscores the belief that money are flowing into your life.

Train Your Subconscious Mind

Concentrate on the money you want, not the lack of it. That is the most effective approach to attract extra money into your life. We get what we imagine, what we see, what we conceive, and what we experience, but if we imagine, perceive, assume, and feel the reverse of what we desire, we will get the reverse of what we want. For example, if you want a million dollars or just more money in general but are stuck at a job and are whining about it, talking about it, and opposing your new life, then your subconscious is the one who creates it.

I’m aware that some individuals dislike to hear that because they deliberately want a million dollars, consciously want a relationship, the fact that you’re paying attention, the fact that you want something is your conscientious brain, and your conscious brain is 5% of your life, 5% of your reasoning, and the other is all your subconscious, and that’s operating behind the pictures show that in order to manifest what you want, you have to delude your subconscious mind. You must retrain your subconscious, and the good news is that everything that occurs in the subconscious saves energy. You see, you don’t have to think about it. Because thinking consumes calories and energy, everything you place in your subconscious mind becomes a habit, and habits are meant to help you save your body. Affirmations are an excellent approach to teach your subconscious mind.

Please, use the following affirmations wisely: take inspiration from these phrases and adapt them to your reality so that you can take advantage of them. Do not select statements that are completely contrary to your current situation. Initially, select no more than 5-7 statements to focus on. At the end of the article, I will provide you with further information on how to best use the following affirmations about how to manifest money when you are broke.. (when, how many times, etc.) and how to create your own.

this image introduces the paragraph where I listed all affirmations on how to manifest money in 21 days

107 Affirmations On How To Manifest Money When You Are Broke

  1. I have a lot.
  2. Today, I am grateful for the presence of money in my life.
  3. Money comes to me in both predictable and surprising ways.
  4. Today, I’m hyperaware of money-making opportunities, and I’m open and ready to receive new streams of income.
  5. I’ve activated my wealth potential.
  6. Today, I am abundance personified; I see proof of abundance all around me; I am a prosperity magnet; and I see money-making chances.
  7. My inner guidance shows a plethora of profitable ideas today, and as I act on my inspired thoughts, let me repeat all of that one more time.
  8. Today I am bountiful; I welcome money into my life; money comes to me in predictable and unexpected ways; and I am hyperaware of money-making opportunities.
  9. I am open and ready to receive new income streams today.
  10. I activate my wealth potential.
  11. I am abundance personified today.
  12. I see evidence of abundance all around me.
  13. I am a prosperity magnet today.
  14. My inner direction exposes a plethora of profitable ideas, and I am currently working on my inspired ideas.
  15. I am open to receiving all nice things.
  16. My requirements are always handled quickly and easily.
  17. It is safe to say that I adore money.
  18. The more money I earn, the more I will be able to give back to the world.
  19. I’m always looking for new ways to make money.
  20. New clients are constantly coming to me.
  21. My vacation was paid for in cash up ahead.
  22. This year, I’m on target to earn $100,000.
  23. I have money all over.
  24. This is something I always say when I find money in my backpack or outfit.
  25. I’m in love with money.
  26. I am receiving an abundance of all nice things.
  27. I’m now ready to receive.
  28. I am now ready to receive the abundance of good that the universe has in store for me.
  29. The good I give out in thought and behaviour is compounded back to me.
  30. Money comes to me quickly and easily.
  31. Life is simple, and I have an excess of everything I require.
  32. My one-of-a-kind and creative abilities and talents pour through me.
  33. My specific skills and abilities are in high demand.
  34. My life is full in every way.
  35. I am successful in all I do.
  36. Love and beauty abound in my life.
  37. I am grateful for every event I have had in my life.
  38. I am divinely guided and guarded.
  39. I am drawing wealth into my life.
  40. I am overjoyed to be alive.
  41. Everything is possible in my opinion.
  42. I am adored.
  43. I’m capable of doing anything.
  44. In this world, I make a difference.
  45. I’m a great money manager.
  46. I am always the first to pay myself.
  47. I invested money in my Financial.
  48. Every day, I check my Freedom Account.
  49. My money works hard for me and keeps on giving me more money.
  50. I’m going to learn how to generate enough passive money to support my chosen lifestyle. 
  51. I am financially independent.
  52. I work because I want to, not because I am forced to.
  53. My side hustle involves managing and investing my money as well as developing passive income sources.
  54. I make my own life.
  55. I am responsible for the exact amount of my financial achievement.
  56. I play the money game in order to win.
  57. My goal is to generate money and abundance.
  58. I admire and look up to wealthy and successful individuals.
  59. Money is important to me because it represents freedom and makes life more joyful.
  60. I make money by doing what I enjoy.
  61. I deserve to be wealthy because I contribute value to the lives of others.
  62. I am a generous giver as well as a great receiver.
  63. I am extremely grateful for all of the money I now have.
  64. Financially rewarding chances are always presented to me.
  65. My ability to earn, hold, and grow money grows by the day.
  66. I am wealthy and powerful.
  67. My body works well in its own time.
  68. Every day, I have an abundance of money, which helps me to thrive.
  69. My physique is capable of tremendous things and can earn a lot of money.
  70. I let go of anything that is no longer useful to me.
  71. I have a lot of energy, and fresh prospects are coming my way.
  72. Every day, I wake up joyful and enthusiastic.
  73. Life is brimming with wonderful chances and blessings.
  74. Every day, my wealth improves.
  75. I choose things, people, and activities that are beneficial to my wealth.
  76. My earnings are steadily increasing.
  77. Money is energy, and I am willing to accept it in endless amounts.
  78. I am a tremendous attractor of riches and abundance.
  79. Money comes to me quickly and easily.
  80. I am surrounded by a never-ending flow of money and prosperity.
  81. All of my wants and needs are always met.
  82. I have an abundance of funds.
  83. I am entitled to more money.
  84. I’m always looking for new ways to make money.
  85. Money comes to me in both predictable and surprising ways.
  86. I am open to accepting all of the riches that life has to offer.
  87. I’m not destitute; I merely have a low level of wealth right now.
  88. That is beginning to change.
  89. When it comes to money, I’m getting out of my own way.
  90. Wealth is an important element of my existence.
  91. I am capable of overcoming any financial challenges that may arise.
  92. I am capable of achieving my financial objectives.
  93. Today, I resolve to pursue my financial goals.
  94. I’d like to have more money. And that’s fine.
  95. It comes naturally to me to be affluent and successful.
  96. My life is full of health and prosperity.
  97. Abundance is on its way; I deserve and accept it.
  98. I accept and receive unanticipated funds.
  99. I accept and receive unanticipated wealth.
  100. At the moment, I am attracting money.
  101. Money, I contribute is always multiplied back to me.
  102. Everything I come into contact with turns to gold.
  103. I am prepared and capable of receiving unexpected funds.
  104. Money comes to me in both predictable and surprising ways.
  105. I am entitled to more money.
  106. I am open and sensitive to all the riches that life has to offer.
  107. My deeds ensure that I am always prosperous.

this image introduces the paragraph about how to attract money when you are broke

1. Identify Your Priorities

The following guidelines work for any affirmations you might want to go for. First of all, what are the areas of your life where you really feel the need to make a change? Would you like to feel more powerful? Or maybe in the future you might want to change other aspects of your life… like for example, do you feel you need to improve your relationship with your partner? Do you want to take care of your health? Try to focus your personalized positive affirmations on a specific area of ​​your life that you would like to improve.

2. Excitement

As seen, the statements are most effective when accompanied by a strong emotional drive. Therefore, carefully evaluate the choice of words and expressions, preferring those that may have the highest emotional impact for you. Amongst the affirmations about how to manifest money when you are broke I shared with you above, I’m sure you can find some affirmations that match with your current emotional state.

3. Be Consistent and Realistic

It is important that your statements align with your personal values. If respect and honesty are essential for you, it is useless to repeat to you “I am a salesperson willing to do anything to achieve my financial goals”. Second, it is important that your statements are realistic and translatable into concrete action. If the statements are too vague or too far from your reality, you will run the risk of not believing in them yourself. For example, “I feel healthy” may be too general a statement for you. You could make it more specific by turning it into: “I feel in a great mood and full of energy”; “My body is strong, ‘flexible and resistant’; “I run every morning and this gives me energy”; “I feed with balance” and so on.

4. Transform Negative Into Positive

Unfortunately our internal dialogue is often negative. But these negative thoughts and beliefs can be a great way to spot our personalized positive affirmations. In fact, you can start from these intrusive and disempowering thoughts and transform them into their positive version. “You’re the usual indecisive” can become: “I choose carefully and make good decisions”. or “I decide with timing for my life”.

5. Present

Our mind is not designed for the future. Always write your affirmations about how to manifest money when you are broke in the present tense, as if everything is already happening. This is essential for your mind to believe, on an unconscious level, in the statement and “settle” on that new parameter. If you write instead: “I will make very good decisions”. Your mind will always postpone your transformation to an unspecified future. Now let’s see how to use your personalized positive affirmations in an effective way… 


Choose a specific time to repeat your statements. The ideal is in the morning, upon awakening, so as to start the day on the right foot.


Repeat your affirmations about how to manifest money when you are broke aloud and if possible create a vision board that reminds you of them throughout the day.

How Many?

As explained in the article, focus on a maximum of 5-7 positive affirmations.

How Many Times?

Repeat them for at least 5-10 minutes every day, but not more than a quarter of an hour (it wouldn’t help). If you wish, you can repeat the exercise at different times of the day, but no more than three times in a day (for example, you can repeat them in the morning when you wake up, at noon and in the evening before bed).

Good. Now that you know how to manifest money when you are broke and you have all the tools to best create your own personal affirmations, all you have to do is re-read, write them, use them and achieve all your goals!

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