Positive Things To Say To Yourself In The Morning (132 Powerful Morning Affirmations)

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If you want to kick-start your day, keep reading this article because I’ll share with you the most powerful positive things to say to yourself in the morning and most importantly I’ll tell you how to use and how to create your own affirmations.

For the purpose of this article, it’s important to remind you the 3 characteristics that make a thought extremely powerful and capable of governing our days.

Repetition. Certain negative thoughts take root in our mind because we have repeated them hundreds of times in our life. This means that in order for our positive affirmations to also become effective, we will have to repeat them constantly (more details on this point later).

Credibility. Our negative beliefs affect us because they are… plausible. In other words, we believe it because in the past we have had life experiences that have confirmed certain thoughts. To ensure that our positive things to say to yourself in the morning also work, we cannot therefore shoot “magic” phrases far into the air, we must build affirmations that are based on real facts, or in any case on experiences from our past in which we have had winning attitudes.

Emotion. Finally, certain negative affirmations work because they are almost always accompanied by equally powerful negative emotions. The same principle must therefore be applied to our positive affirmations: in order for them to work, we cannot repeat them mechanically, but we must recite them trying to leverage emotions that are consistent with what we are repeating to ourselves.

Please, use the following affirmations wisely: take inspiration from these phrases and adapt them to your reality so that you can take advantage of them. Do not select statements that are completely contrary to your current situation. Initially, select no more than 5-7 statements to focus on. At the end of the article, I will provide you with further information on how to best use the following positive things to say to yourself in the morning (when, how many times, etc.) and how to create your own.

132 Positive Things To Say To Yourself In The Morning

  1. I have everything I need to succeed.
  2. My behavior is in line with my balanced frame of mind because I am motivated and powerful.
  3. Everything I do supports my purpose without causing harm to others, and I have great faith in my integrations every day.
  4. I am in good health, I am attractive, I am knowledgeable, and I was created with the intention of accomplishing great things.
  5. I am the ideal spouse for my ideal partner, and I am a magnet for abundance in my life.
  6. Fear is only an emotion, and I’m not afraid of it since I know I can overcome it and move forward in any situation.
  7. I am satisfied in every aspect of my life, and I am content and accomplished.
  8. With everyone I meet, I am courteous and respectful.
  9. I am patient, and I am the only one who can keep me from doing things at home, as well as the only one who can assist me in pursuing whatever I choose.
  10. Right now, everything is in good working order.
  11. I have faith in the universe that I am trying my best in every scenario and that I will be honored for my efforts.
  12. Everyone else around me adores me, I am loyal and tranquil with myself.
  13. Everything I do is supposed to fulfil me, so I always respect myself.
  14. I have fully opened my mind and am taking full use of any opportunities that are in the surrounding.
  15. All of my connections serve to fulfil me in some way.
  16. Only I have the ability and authority to choose to view all of the possibilities that are available to me.
  17. Prosperity is all around me, it fills me up, and it pours towards and through me.
  18. I am capable of incredible things, and I am confident that I am both deserving and balanced.
  19. Everything I require in my life appears at precisely the right moment and at precisely the right time, and I am empowered and present in my own life.
  20. I am more than enough in my own right.
  21. I am a unique individual with a big heart.
  22. I can’t alter other people, but I do have complete control over my own behavior.
  23. I simply let everyone to be themselves, and I love myself.
  24. I’m at ease with the uncontrollable events in my life.
  25. I am prepared to take on any challenge.
  26. In any given situation, I try to see the bright side.
  27. I am conscious of my errors and strive to improve.
  28. I have made wise choices.
  29. Everything around me inspires admiration in me.
  30. In any situation, I am calm and peaceful, and I am the one in charge of my own life.
  31. I am the one who laid the basis for My Life and chose the content.
  32. I am a high-energy person who shuns happiness.
  33. I am significantly superior to negative ideas and inaction, and I am gifted with a limitless number of Highlands that I use every day.
  34. I distance myself from negative people in a gentle manner.
  35. I’m getting a lot of new and good ideas.
  36. I am proud of all of my accomplishments, and I am brave and kind, as well as a positive person who lives a prosperous life.
  37. I’m aware that I’m wired, and many people admire and aspire to be like me.
  38. Compassion is the quality that allows me to let go of my rage and replace it with love.
  39. I am fortunate to have good health and drive.
  40. I am beautiful, bold, attractive and pretty because I radiate beauty in grace.
  41. Everything that has happened, is occurring, or will happen in my life has brought me serenity.
  42. I am a fantastic person that is proud of what I have accomplished thus far in my life.
  43. I am comfortable in my own skin, and all of the universe’s beauty is contained within me.
  44. I believe in my ability to make an excellent life for myself.
  45. I am constantly courageous and willing to take risks, as well as accept new experiences and challenges that come my way.
  46. I am inquisitive and quick to learn, and I am eternally grateful for my life.
  47. I’m happiest when I’m among other people, and I adore myself.
  48. I am capable of accomplishing big things in my life and am entirely at ease in my own company.
  49. In whatever situation, my inner self guides my inner voice, which is always optimistic.
  50. I am confident in my ability to accomplish anything I set my mind to, and I have complete faith in myself.
  51. I am a positive person with the strength and authority to say no when necessary.
  52. Because I am in charge of every element of my life, I am productive.
  53. I know I’m a hard worker, and you know how easy it is for me to stay focused on being productive.
  54. As a result of my effectiveness at work, I am productive, motivated, and incredibly hardworking when it comes to anything I want to accomplish in my life.
  55. I’m confident that if I want to achieve something, I’ll be able to do so with my determination and enthusiasm.
  56. I am a person that attracts abundance into my life and follows through on all of my objectives.
  57. I am deserving of success in everything I do, and I will face any obstacle head on, never fearing it because I understand the power of positive thinking.
  58. I am the one who steers my life in the direction I desire, which makes me valuable in the eyes of those who care about and respect me.
  59. I’m brimming with vigor and determination.
  60. I am conscious of my ideals, and I never allow someone else to emotionally or mentally harm me.
  61. I am capable of accomplishing anything I set my mind to, and I am successful in all of my endeavors.
  62. All of the decisions I’ve taken in my life have been favorable and resulted in wonderful outcomes.
  63. I am free to be who I am.
  64. I am a formidable opponent.
  65. I am adored.
  66. I’m letting go of any and all problems I’m having now or in the near future.
  67. I absolutely believe in myself and accept myself as I am.
  68. I’m protected, and I’m treating myself and others with respect.
  69. I am confident and connected to everyone I care about, and I am aware that they care about me as well.
  70. I am a great and loving person.
  71. No one can stop me from living the life I’ve always wanted.
  72. You are a good loving hole that I am.
  73. I am aware that I am contributing to the greater good.
  74. I am aware of and in tune with my inner power.
  75. I am a well-being expert.
  76. I am a lot of things.
  77. I am grateful for everything I have, and I am pleased and content with the life I have lived thus far and will continue to live.
  78. I am in good health and I believe that everything that exists in the flow of life will help me grow.
  79. I’m on this planet for a reason, and I’m going to grow and expand.
  80. I support life because I enjoy it.
  81. I am grateful and in good health.
  82. All that exists is me.
  83. As I love, I am mending and at ease.
  84. I’ve learned to love and accept myself for who I am.
  85. I am honest with myself.
  86. I eat healthily, exercise often, and get enough sleep.
  87. I never give up on my true desires and only stop chasing them after I get them.
  88. I make the most of my life and accept others for who they are.
  89. For myself and others, I hope for the best.
  90. I make it a point to learn and commit to new things every day, and I never give up.
  91. I let my imagination run wild.
  92. I believe that the things I truly desire can be mine if I work extremely hard to acquire them.
  93. I am willing to try new things.
  94. I’m getting rid of the things in my life that don’t serve me.
  95. I’m becoming a more effective enabler of what I’ve already accomplished.
  96. I am exactly where I need to be.
  97. I am surrounded by natural splendor.
  98. I believe in myself and am certain that whatever decision I make in my life will be the best decision for me.
  99. I’m learning to be a more positive person who always sees the bright side of things.
  100. I am faithful, and I am content with whatever I have.
  101. I am wealthy, and I possess the capacity and power to achieve everything I wish in my life.
  102. I’m allowing more money and abundance into my life.
  103. I’m building a life that I actually enjoy.
  104. I take time to be grateful for what I have and to let go of what I don’t.
  105. I strive to be the best version of myself and strive to improve.
  106. Life is excellent and becoming better, and today is another fantastic day.
  107. I’m grateful to be alive today and to have anything I have right now.
  108. I am glad for everything I have for this new beginning.
  109. Life has always gone so well for me, and I continue to expect miracles in my life.
  110. I have a positive outlook on life and am a naturally upbeat person who constantly hopes for the best.
  111. With each passing day, my life improves and I am given the opportunity to blossom.
  112. My ideas are growing increasingly optimistic.
  113. My vibration is increasing every day.
  114. I’m inspired to pursue my goals.
  115. I do the things that help me get closer to my objectives.
  116. Every day, I take inspired activities and avoid things that demotivate me.
  117. I’m bursting at the seams with ideas, passion, and determination to achieve my goals.
  118. My life is great and wonderful.
  119. For me, life is just incredible, and I am amazed and delighted every day.
  120. I am fortunate to have fantastic individuals in my life who support, assist, and truly adore me for who I am.
  121. I draw wonderful things to me and am content with the events that occur in my life on a daily basis.
  122. My life is going well and will continue to do so.
  123. My life is full of enchantment since the cosmos adores and encourages me on a daily basis.
  124. My life is genuinely great, and it could never have been easier or more straightforward, exactly as I desired.
  125. Another beautiful day has arrived.
  126. I’m grateful to have woken up today and had the opportunity to learn and grow.
  127. Life is always working out well for me, and all of my obstacles are dissipating like miracles in my life.
  128. I am a firm believer in miracles and try hard to achieve them.
  129. I have a good outlook on life.
  130. I constantly hope for the best and trust that everything will come out well in the end.
  131. My ideas are becoming very vivid.
  132. I truly love myself for who I am and my life and the people around me.

this image introduce the guidelines for good things to say to yourself

1. Identify Your Priorities

The following guidelines work for any affirmations you might want to go for. First of all, what are the areas of your life where you really feel the need to make a change? Would you like to feel more powerful? Or maybe in the future you might want to change other aspects of your life… like for example, do you feel you need to improve your relationship with your partner? Do you want to take care of your health? Try to focus your personalized positive affirmations on a specific area of ​​your life that you would like to improve.

2. Excitement

As seen, the statements are most effective when accompanied by a strong emotional drive. Therefore, carefully evaluate the choice of words and expressions, preferring those that may have the highest emotional impact for you. Amongst the positive things to say to yourself in the morning I shared with you above, I’m sure you can find some affirmations that match with your current emotional state.

3. Be Consistent and Realistic

It is important that your statements align with your personal values. If respect and honesty are essential for you, it is useless to repeat to you “I am a salesperson willing to do anything to achieve my financial goals”. Second, it is important that your statements are realistic and translatable into concrete action. If the statements are too vague or too far from your reality, you will run the risk of not believing in them yourself. For example, “I feel healthy” may be too general a statement for you. You could make it more specific by turning it into: “I feel in a great mood and full of energy”; “My body is strong, ‘flexible and resistant’; “I run every morning and this gives me energy”; “I feed with balance” and so on.

4. Transform Negative Into Positive

Unfortunately our internal dialogue is often negative. But these negative thoughts and beliefs can be a great way to spot our personalized positive affirmations. In fact, you can start from these intrusive and disempowering thoughts and transform them into their positive version. “You’re the usual indecisive” can become: “I choose carefully and make good decisions”. or “I decide with timing for my life”.

5. Present

Our mind is not designed for the future. Always write your positive things to say to yourself in the morning in the present tense, as if everything is already happening. This is essential for your mind to believe, on an unconscious level, in the statement and “settle” on that new parameter. If you write instead: “I will make very good decisions”. Your mind will always postpone your transformation to an unspecified future. Now let’s see how to use your personalized positive affirmations in an effective way… 


Choose a specific time to repeat your statements. The ideal is in the morning, upon awakening, so as to start the day on the right foot.


Repeat your positive things to say to yourself in the morning aloud and if possible create a vision board that reminds you of them throughout the day.

How Many?

As explained in the article, focus on a maximum of 5-7 positive affirmations.

How Many Times?

Repeat them for at least 5-10 minutes every day, but not more than a quarter of an hour (it wouldn’t help). If you wish, you can repeat the exercise at different times of the day, but no more than three times in a day (for example, you can repeat them in the morning when you wake up, at noon and in the evening before bed).

Good. Now that you know the most powerful positive things to say to yourself in the morning and you have all the tools to best create your own personal affirmations, all you have to do is re-read, write them, use them and achieve all your goals!

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