Neville Goddard Revision Technique (The Most Powerful Technique)

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In his written works and live performances, Neville Goddard introduced several different techniques that helped people overcome their fears, change their lives, and live their dreams. These techniques are still widely practiced today and collectively known as the Neville Goddard Revision Technique.

Who is Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard (1905 – 1972) was a British-born American self-help author.

He is known for his metaphysical, spiritual books, lectures, and audio recordings.

A great influence on many New Age spiritual teachers and thinkers, Goddard wrote over 30 books in his lifetime, many of which remain in print today.

His book, “At Your Command,” is considered a classic in personal development circles.

His teachings encourage people to think positively and create their reality through the power of the spoken word.

His teachings encourage people to think positively

Neville believed that each person has divine powers of manifestation – the ability to create any reality they desire.

He taught that everything is first created through imagination and then through the spoken word, “The imagination creates the form, and your spoken word creates the fact.”

Neville taught that everything is first created through imagination

The imagination creates the form, and your spoken word creates the fact.

He was also a big fan of the E-Prime (English without “to be”) language form in which every verb is reduced to its base form: “to be” becomes “is.”

Neville was a man who loved children and animals.

Techniques of Neville Goddard

In his written works and live performances, Neville Goddard introduced several different techniques that helped people overcome their fears, change their lives, and live their dreams.

Neville Goddard introduced several different techniques that helped people overcome fears (2)

Neville Goddard introduced several different techniques that helped people overcome fears (1)

Neville Goddard introduced several different techniques that helped people change their lives

Neville Goddard introduced several different techniques that helped people and live their dreams (1)

Neville Goddard introduced several different techniques that helped people and live their dreams (2)

These techniques are still widely practiced today and collectively known as the Neville Goddard Revisions Technique.

Those who want to use this technique simply need to follow a very simple procedure.

First, they will need to focus on what they want in life.

focus on what you want in life

We often say that we have to “ask” for what we want.

If you don’t ask for it, you won’t receive it.

So, once you have created your vision board or some other visualization tool containing your ideal life, you need to hold it in your mind for some time.

Next, write down your goal or desire as if it has already come to pass.

write down your goal or desire as if it has already come to pass (1)

write down your goal or desire as if it has already come to pass (2)

Neville Goddard Revision Technique

We are about to tell you the greatest “memory technique” that the 21st century has to offer. The trick is called: The Neville Goddard Revision Technique.

Neville Goddard Revision Technique

Neville talked about how powerful our thoughts were.

He said we must change our thinking if we want to manifest what we want in life, and he had many great techniques that helped us do that.

Change our thinking if we want to manifest what we want in life (1)

Change our thinking if we want to manifest what we want in life (2)

Change our thinking if we want to manifest what we want in life (3)

So far, I’ve only heard about this technique from a few people, so it’s still a “secret,” but if you know about it and use it, you will achieve more than most people who spend years on self-development.

Revision Technique is a method of committing to memory anything you read.

All you need to learn is a pen and a notebook. It’s a self-study technique.

  1. Read the passage three times, out loud and slowly
  • The first time: to understand the general idea.
  • The second time: to begin to remember the main points.
  • The third time: to memorize the passage.
  1. Write down what you have learned in your notebook, using only 25 words or less for each point that you want to remember. Add connecting words (such as “because” and “also”) to help with recall; make it appear as a coherent sentence, using complete sentences when necessary.
  2. Review your notes once a day for three days. Then revise your 25-word notes into 12-word notes, and review them once a week for four weeks. This revised note will now appear like a sentence that makes sense.

How to Pass the Exams by using the Revision Technique of Naville Goddard

If you are a person who didn’t score high in exams, then here is something that can help you.

Neville Goddard has a technique that can help you get good marks in exams.

The perfect thing about this method is that it is simple and easy to use.

Consider an exam that will take place in the next 15 days, then print out this page and put it on your wall.

For every day that passes, write down answers to the following questions on a piece of paper and then carry it with you.

During the exam hall, look at the words printed on your paper, repeat it out loud exactly how you see it and solve the problem.

You can use any formula or technique to solve it.

How to do Revision Technique?

Philosopher Harry Palmer said, “The secret of life, you see, is to have a task, something you devote yourself to, something you bring everything to, every minute of the day for the rest of your life.”

There are four main components of doing any human activity: understanding it, doing it well, enjoying it, and then making money at it.

Society tells you that at death, the game is over.

But we have discovered a simple way to start again and again and again.

But they quickly become trapped in a cul-de-sac of fear and doubt.

The good news is that this cul-de-sac has an open door. It is very easy to find if you were the now-how.

But when we are in a state of fear and doubt, we make wrong decisions. The result? We fail.

when we are in a state of fear and doubt, we make wrong decisions (2)

when we are in a state of fear and doubt, we make wrong decisions (1)

Revision Technique is a visual technique used to remind our subconscious of forgetting things.

Revision Technique is a visual technique used to remind our subconscious of forgetting things

The mind is like a reservoir of water, and our thoughts are like the ripples on the water’s surface.

And we can revise the way these reflections appear, so we can change the ripples into whatever we want.

According to Neville Goddard, if we forget something, the best thing to do is remember it.

According to Neville Goddard, if we forget something, the best thing to do is remember it

The easiest way to remember something is to imagine it because imagination has a power over memory that is almost magical.

imagination has a power over memory that is almost magical

Neville says that one of the worst things you can do is to allow yourself to think about what you don’t want because your thoughts cannot produce something that does not exist.

Thinking about what you don’t want will only attract more things you don’t want into your life.

So instead, we should be thinking about what we want and imagining ourselves having it. It does not matter if the things you imagine seem impossible or ridiculous at this time.

Which Revision Technique is Best?

The Neville Goddard Self-Revision Technique is the best revision technique.

The Neville Goddard Revision Technique is a creative visualization technique for self-improvement taught by Neville Goddard.

This self-help and personal development method involves using positive affirmations, often repeated several times, in combination with specific views and visualization in the process of achieving a goal or fulfilling a desire.

You say you have at least five pages to read, but you don’t have time?

Do you have time for a cup of coffee, though? I have an exercise for you that will help in your revision! It’s called the Neville Goddard Self-Revision Technique.

He said, “Never revise in mind. Go over your work immediately after writing it, read it aloud and listen to every word. Read it as though someone else wrote it.”

In this exercise, you are changing your subconscious perception of the material, not conscious editing, which the conscious mind should do.

The Power of Revision Technique

The power is in the word and what we attach to the word.

The power is in the word and what we attach to the word (1)

The power is in the word and what we attach to the word (2)

We create our world through our thoughts and actions.

What we call things is what we draw to us in life. If we can change our point of view by changing the meaning of something to us, we change the Law of Attraction.

Furthermore, each person’s universe is governed by their own thoughts and beliefs.

If you think badly of yourself, your friends, family, or employers, you will attract that which is undesirable to you. If you think highly of them, you will attract that good for you.

However, where he directs his thoughts, there he accumulates his experience.

If you constantly think badly of your surroundings, you will increase that undesirable in your life.

If you think highly of your surroundings, you will attract the best. It is all up to you.

When should Revision Technique be done?

Before a change can occur, old beliefs and ideas must be eliminated.

Old habits must first be broken, and it is only when this has been done that new habit patterns can begin to replace the old.

This is a fact we all should recognize.

For example

In the psychological field, no change can occur until the old habit pattern has been broken and overcome.

If this is not done successfully, one may go through years of psychoanalysis without relinquishing the old habit pattern.

Neville Goddard The Pruning Shears of Revision


In this blog post, we discussed Neville Goddard’s revision technique.

This is a great way to improve your writing, and it’s something that Goddard himself used to great effect.

If you’d like to learn more about this technique, please comment below. We’d love to hear from you!

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