Natural birth Affirmations; Are They Effective?

Natural birth Affirmations; Are They Effective

Yes, natural birth affirmations are effective. Committing to these positive affirmations gives you a better chance of having a natural birth than you ordinarily have. Natural childbirth is more of a blessing than a natural course. Women who opt for it adopt different methods to ensure safe delivery. One such way includes the use of … Read more

90 Badass Birth Affirmations You Can Always Trust

90 Badass Birth Affirmations You Can Always Trust

Badass Birth affirmations are messages sent to the mind in the form of short sentences that are said out loud, which are targeted at promoting safe delivery and less painful childbirth. Badass birth Affirmations have been proven to be effective in easing the pain of childbirth and promoting safe delivery. These affirmations are words and … Read more