90 Badass Birth Affirmations You Can Always Trust

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Badass Birth affirmations are messages sent to the mind in the form of short sentences that are said out loud, which are targeted at promoting safe delivery and less painful childbirth.

Badass birth Affirmations have been proven to be effective in easing the pain of childbirth and promoting safe delivery.

These affirmations are words and short sentences that you recite that are targeted at bending your body to your mind’s desires.

Why should you believe that these birth affirmations work?

Because you believe in affirmations, birth affirmations are not any different.

The same principles of neuroplasticity guide it. The belief is that our body manifests our wishes over time.

Saying your badass birth affirmations involves bringing to your subconsciousness your desire to have a safe delivery and how you would like the baby to come– natural or otherwise.

If you believe in birth affirmations today, you would be joining thousands, if not millions, of women who have testified positively about how affirmations helped them have a safe childbirth.

They may not have definite proof that the affirmations were instrumental in their safe delivery.

Still, because they believe it happened just like they said, we have every reason to believe in affirmations.

Positive Badass Birth Affirmations for every woman

Affirmations before going into labor


  • I am ready to have my baby
  • I can be persuaded to change, and I am adaptable.
  • I can accomplish this because I am a powerful, competent woman.
  • My body and mind are both at ease.
  • I’m prepared for my labor and delivery process.
  • I’m about to meet my newborn.
  • Trust in my skills and my decisions.
  • It is a gift to become pregnant, and now I’m glad I’m getting ready to see my baby
  • Joy fills me as my time of labor draws near
  • My baby is coming to put smiles on my face
  • Whatever people think is not worth considering. My baby and I come first
  • I will be a mother soon, just like every other mother delivered safely, and so will I.
  • I am ready to take up any challenge. Whatever happens in the course of my delivery is natural
  • I will be there for my baby at all times. I will remain strong for us
  • I am part of my baby’s childbirth story
  • I am courageous
  • My body is in alignment with the universe’s plans for me
  • It is going to be a testimony soon

Affirmations of fear during birth


  • Being terrified is very normal. My love is demonstrated through my dread. My fear will be overcome
  • My fear is normal; it’s normal to be afraid of the unknown.
  • Anxiety is normal
  • Everything is fine
  • The medical team are experts
  • I will overcome
  • Loving people surround me
  • God is here with me, and I’m fearless

Affirmations for pain during childbirth

Affirmations for pain during childbirth

  • I won’t regard it as a painful experience to be feared. I’ll consider the feelings as positive experiences.
  • I breathe in strength and let go of the pain
  • It will be over soon
  • What comes after now supersedes this pain
  • This is the sacrifice I must make to welcome my baby
  • I am facing this pain with courage
  • I will be made stronger through this pain
  • My partner is right here with me and shares in my pain

Affirmations during contractions/labor

  • I am not giving up. I never will
  • Just like my mom gave life to me, so I am giving my baby
  • The delivery team are experts, and I feel safe in their midst
  • Doing everything to see my baby safe is the right thing
  • God directs my body contractions
  • Every wave of contraction brings me closer to meeting my baby
  • I am doing it. For my baby and for other babies to come
  • I can do it. And yes, I am doing it.

Affirmations for natural childbirth

  • Natural childbirth without pain is my portion
  • I am a descendant of the women of Hebrews
  • I am ready for this
  • I am relaxed
  • My breathing is normal
  • I choose to go natural
  • My baby will appreciate this sacrifice
  • I have the best Medical team/ doula
  • I can feel my baby coming
  • The universe agrees with my decision

Affirmations for C-section

Affirmations for C-section

  • Whatever birth my body and the baby require, I am ready.
  • My baby’s safety comes first.
  • No matter how this birth comes, it will be a cause for me to rejoice
  • I accept any medication to help me have a safe delivery
  • The love and affection I have for my baby supersedes all things
  • If it warrants a C-section, it will happen so fast that I wouldn’t remember
  • I am way too strong to be afraid of a caesarian section.
  • The medical team is professional.

Are these birth affirmations biblical?

To some Christians, affirmations are contradictory to the teachings of the church.

According to them, the church encourages us to put all our trust in God and him alone.

Therefore, if we say affirmations and believe in them, we have deviated from the teachings as we are now more inclined to the powers of our words than the words of God. This is, of course, a point of view.

However, many other Christians believe affirmations align with God’s teachings. This brings us to the definition of Christian affirmations.

Christian affirmations are statements inspired by the scriptures that believers use in changing circumstances to favor them.

This definition clearly states that these affirmations are rooted in the scriptures.

They are lifted from biblical verses and paraphrased to suit our needs at a particular time.

Therefore, birth affirmations, like every other affirmation, have a place in the scriptures. They are encouraging words that strengthen you to take on your delivery task with faith.

How effective are these bibles inspired birth affirmations?

God is the source of all life and the support system for all people.

He is constantly looking for the people he has created, especially those who believe in him.

If so, biblical birth affirmations cannot be any less effective.

Just like every other affirmation, biblical affirmations are rooted in your firm belief and faith in the efficacy of the words you say.

However, Christian affirmations can prove to be much more effective because you confidently tell them in the promises of God.

Positive Christian birth affirmations

  • God is in charge
  • God knows how and when my baby will come into this world
  • My wishes are power supplications before God
  • I choose peace of mind over worry and fear, for God told me not to be afraid
  • I trust in the power of God to deliver me safely of my baby
  • God is right here with me in the labor room
  • The Lord holds my baby and keeps it safe
  • It is the Lord who had chosen this day for my child’s birth
  • I am grateful to God for his provisions
  • My body is made in God’s image and my baby’s.
  • God has chosen me to be a great mom to my child
  • God has given me a caring and supportive partner. I’m grateful
  • Everything is going according to God’s plan
  • God is in charge of both my life and the life of my child.
  • God has chosen my baby’s birthday
  • In God’s chosen time, my baby will arrive safely
  • In christ, I am strengthened
  • I radiate the goodness of the Lord
  • The Lord is right next to me as I go through this pain
  • God will take away my anxiety and fear and will fill me with his spirit of strength and courage

Positive birth affirmations for Dads

Positive birth affirmations for Dads

The man’s role is important in the journey of having a baby.

Particularly, the man has the job of taking care of his wife during pregnancy and at the point of birth. This continues after birth as he is obligated to care for his wife and the new baby.

Men use positive birth affirmations to remind themselves of their responsibilities and to further reassure themselves that they are doing morally.

These affirmations clear their head of doubt about their abilities to care for the baby and the mother.

Some birth affirmations for men include

  • I am preparing to be the best Dad to my baby
  • My wife is proud of having someone like me beside her
  • I’m doing the correct decision for my wife and our unborn child.
  • I have to love and support my wife through this phase and beyond
  • Our baby is safe. My wife is safe too
  • I am striving to provide both mother and child all they need to be happy
  • The baby is coming through my wife, but I am a part of every step in the birthing process. And yes, I am glad
  • I will hold her hands in time of labor and assure her that all is well
  • I am confident in the medical team
  • I am ready to make any decisions that would ensure the safe delivery of my child and the safety of my wife as well

Conclusion to Badass Birth Affirmations

Birth affirmations are effective like every other affirmation. When said correctly, they guide your thoughts and channel them to your desired birth outcome.

Our collection of the finest affirmations for birth is for everyone. We hope they will come in handy for you sometime.